Wednesday, September 03, 2014

A Friend

Screenshot 2014-09-01 at 10.27.31 AM.png

A friend helps you in a time of need.

When they invite you over you say yes.

A friend will help you when you need the help.

They will play soccer with you.

They will play tanki online with you.

They make stories with you.

They take you to A and E.

They play minecraft with you.

They turn on tv for you.

They laugh at your jokes even if they aren’t funny.

They help you with skills for sport.

They tell you good songs.

They give you stuff for free.

They give you shortcuts for your computer.

And tell you websites for cool stuff.

They let you borrow things.

They give you answers to questions you need the answers to.
That’s what a friend is!keepcalm.jpg


  1. Great poem, James! I especially like 'they laugh at your jokes even when they aren't funny'. Sometimes I think I'm funny when I'm not :-)

  2. I think you are a very good friend to others, James. This poem shows some of the reasons why.
